The Granary Burying Ground is one of the United States’ most significant cemeteries from a historical perspective. The cemetery was founded in 1660! In fact, it is Boston’s third-oldest cemetery.
This cemetery was made famous by the novel-turned-movie “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil” by John Berendt. The book tells the story of a local antique dealer who kills a young man, goes to trial and is eventually acquitted.
Arlington National Cemetery is amazing. It is so vast and huge that you definitely need a tour guide. From the highest point of the cemetery, you can see over the Potomac River, and see the back of Lincoln’s Memorial.
Calvary is one of the biggest cemeteries in the United States in terms of number of people buried there. At 3 million burials on 365 acres, it is one of the most densely populated cemeteries anywhere.
This little cemetery deep in the wilds of Alaska in the gold rush town of Skagway tells the story of the prospectors who were lured to America’s final frontier in search of riches.
The cemeteries of Queens, one of the five boroughs of New York City, may not be famous, but they are unique in one special characteristic. They reflect the ethnic and cultural diversity of the area they are located in, Queens.