Monkey Mayhem: Our Wild Encounter at the Angkor Wat in Cambodia

Travels with Talek


When you think of Cambodia you think of the temples of Angkor Wat in Angkor Thom, the name of the entire city. But you don’t think of a monkey attack!

I imagined exotic vistas, imposing stone carvings peeking from lush jungles…and yes, maybe a couple of Angkor Wat macaque monkeys. But nothing like what really happened. Nothing like the great monkey attack of Angkor Wat.

The magnificence of Angkor Wat cannot be overstated. It is a vast complex of massive temples built between 1130 and 1150 as a Hindu structure dedicated to the god Vishnu.


In the morning we were anxious to head back to Angkor Wat but when we left the house we saw two huge macaque monkeys and one even bigger monkey warrior blocking our entrance to the road.


We shooed them but they didn’t budge. We tried walking around them but they again blocked our path. We decided to walk straight through them making a lot of noise and waving our arms.

As we readied ourselves a monkey came from behind, jumped on my back and tore off my hair beret while another grabbed at my backpack which contained fruit. By now I’m screaming “get it off!…get it off!”

We ran to the road – me in flip flops -pursued part way by a troop of monkeys. In the safety of the main road I looked back and saw the mother monkey I had seen the first day, still holding her baby, looking at us. This was not cute anymore.

These guys were playing for keeps. Clearly the mother monkey had alerted her cohorts to the presence of two human patsies that gave away food. I couldn’t believe what had just happened and how aggressive monkeys in Cambodia could be.

You plan for many unexpected incidents on a foreign trip. But who plans for a monkey attack at Angkor Wat!

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Travels with Talek