DISCOVERING Audrey Munson’s Silent Story in NYC

Travels with Talek


Audrey Munson statues. You’ve probably seen them dozens of times. If you visited New York City, you passed under Munson’s gaze multiple times a day.

Her image graces the façade and interior of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Her face personifies beauty all over Manhattan.

Audrey Munson photos and images were ever-present in artists’ studios in the early 1900s.

Audrey Munson statues are found in many iconic New York City monuments. She is the nude carrying a basket of fruit on the Pulitzer Fountain on 59th street and the statue with outstretched arms atop the Maine Monument at the entrance to Central Park.

Audrey Munson is the image on the Strauss Monument, the Brooklyn Museum, the U.S. Customs House, The New York Public Library, The Frick Collection, the Manhattan Bridge and many more landmarks and monuments in New York, San Francisco, and other cities.

Some say she is the model for the image for the U.S. dime. Look at the faces of the statues closely, and you will see they are all the same woman. Audrey Munson was an artist’s model, America’s first supermodel, and the first actress to appear nude in a Hollywood film.

Audrey was born in a small town in upstate New York and migrated to New York City where her classic beauty attracted the attention of artists and entertainment industry professionals.

Audrey Munson Humble Beginnings

She began her modeling career as an artist’s model during the Beaux-Art movement which greatly influenced artists and architects in early 20th century New York City. Artists felt Audrey’s features personified the concepts the Gilded Age was striving to convey.

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