Thinking about a trip to Cuba? There are several dos and don’ts and Cuba travel tips you need to consider before going. Especially for U.S. citizens.

Here are some recommendations on dos and don’ts for your trip to Cuba.

Travel insurance is a good idea on any trip but especially for those involving international flights. You want to make sure you and your possessions are protected against loss flight cancellations and other unforeseeable.

Do get travel insurance

The best way to get to know any city is by walking. Havana is the ultimate walkable city, especially Old Havana.

Do Walk

You can use WhatsApp to text and call with airplane mode on. Keeping your phone on airplane mode ensures you will not incur roaming charges.

Do keep your airplane mode on.

Many visitors to Cuba bring donations to distribute. These can be school supplies like pens, pencils, crayons, notebooks. Other desired items include gently used clothing, plastic containers, batteries, reading glasses.

Do bring donations

Cuba, and Havana in particular has amazing museums, history, art, and architecture. This will blow you away. Prepare to be amazed on your trip to Cuba.

Do immerse yourself in the amazing culture.

Government offices sometimes open and close on haphazard schedules or don’t open at all. Important venues are frequently “closed for repairs” for years. 

Do be patient

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