Ask people what are some of the top travel safety dos and don’ts and the answers might surprise you. Some will say terrorist attacks.

In fact, according to NBC News, you are more likely to choke on food, die from being buried alive, or being struck by lightning than you are to be involved in a terrorist attack.

This post is written by someone who DID NOT avoid illness, injury or theft while traveling. So, learn from my mistakes.

Believing that you can just jump on any vehicle and tour a new location without any proper instruction is the number one activity that causes injuries while traveling.

Don’t think you’re superwoman (or superman).

It’s when you step off a bus, train or ferry, if you don’t watch where you place your foot, you can experience a nasty fall. I can see that. Think about it.

Beware the transfer trauma

Here is one of the classic causes of injury while traveling; mishaps when approaching animals. Been there, done that (I’m raising my hand). I am guilty of one of the biggest travel safety DON’TS… feeding the monkeys.

Don’t feed the animals

Find a seamstress to sew secret pockets inside of your favorite travel pants (or do it yourself if you’re crafty). That way, you can hide your phone, passport, or wads of cash whenever you’re passing through sketchy areas.

Sew secret pockets into your clothes

You never know when your passport or ID might get stolen or misplaced. By making two copies, you can give one to a friend or relative and keep the other with you while you travel.

Make copies of your ID and passport

Use a money belt, ankle belt or some other accessory to keep a large part of your valuables while traveling. Don’t keep all your money in one location. Split it up; wallet, money belt, other hidden location.

Stymie pickpockets

Blend in as much as you can by wearing inconspicuous clothing and only looking at maps when necessary. It’s also a good idea to be careful about who you ask for directions so that someone doesn’t take advantage of you.

Don’t draw attention to yourself

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