Travels with Talek


There are so many things to do in Asturias, northern Spain’s lush green natural paradise.  The best way to share the magical experience that is Asturias is to ask a resident to explain it to us.

For this reason, I’ve asked resident and Asturias lover, Debora de Block to share with us her appreciation of this beautiful Spanish region.

Asturias has a great climate for active people. This part of Spain’s north coast is called ‘Costa Verde’ for a reason. Summers are relatively cool and except for the mountainous areas, winters in Asturias are mild.

Enjoy the Climate

We found some impressive dinosaur footprints next to the La Griega beach (the biggest tracks known in Spain and among the largest in the world)!

Follow Dinosaur Footprints

Nowadays, more than 15.000 people hike the Camino Primitivo each year. While this number is still growing, it is still one of the most pristine and tranquil Caminos to follow.

Walk the Camino de Santiago

Asturias is actively promoted as a ‘Natural Paradise’ and a major ecotourism destination. More than 1/3 of Asturias is designated as a nature reserve of some sort.

Experience Nature’s Paradise in Asturias

Casas rurales, or rural houses, are often a great way to start exploring Asturias’ nature. However, a more adventurous way is to spend the night in a refugio, or mountain hut.

Stay in a Mountain Cabin in a Nature Reserve

Unlike other parts of Spain and Europe, people here are generally proud of the presence of bears. Brown bear observation is one of the main tourist attractions of Somiedo Biosphere Reserve.

See Brown Bears in Their Natural Habitat

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Travels with Talek